
Dagster Guides#

This section explains how to accomplish common tasks in Dagster and showcases Dagster's experimental features.

Upgrading to Software-Defined AssetsThis guide describes how to enrich what you've built in Dagster with software-defined assets.
Versioning and MemoizationThis guide describes how to use Dagster's versioning and memoization features.
Software-Defined Assets with Pandas and PySparkThis guide offers a fast introduction to software-defined assets, with Pandas and PySpark.
Run AttributionThis guide describes how to perform Run Attribution by using a Custom Run Coordinator
Migrating to Graphs, Jobs, and OpsThis guide describes how to migrate to the Graph, Job, and Op APIs from the legacy Dagster APIs (Solids and Pipelines).
Re-executionThis guide describes how to re-execute a job within Dagit and using Dagster's APIs.
Fully-Featured Example ProjectThis guide describes the Hacker News example project, which takes advantage of many of Dagster's features
Validating Data with Dagster Type FactoriesThis guide illustrates the use of a Dagster Type factory to validate Pandas dataframes using the third-party library Pandera.